Tuesday, August 16, 2016

PA national horse show benefit trail ride

This weekend I took Frosty to the PA national horse show benefit trail ride at South Branch Farm. I don't have any photos from this event because I was "flying solo" for the first time! Hauling somewhere by myself was one of the items on my 30 before 30 list and I did it this weekend! Even though it was only a few miles down the road I was very excited that I made it there with the truck (John's dually) and trailer (my short stock trailer...aka the pork trailer).

Pork trailer
Map of my first ever trailer trip!
The ride was on Sunday and it was blistering hot, although there was a breeze and most of the trail was shaded which was awesome. South Branch Farm is absolutely gorgeous, I rode in a show there last fall and try to attend as many events there as I can because the facilities are amazing. This was a 6-7 mile ride with great scenery we saw: cows, deer (2 nice bucks), baby horses, the river, and some of the walking trails around the farm as well as a short stretch of the rail trail. Frosty wore her easy boots with pads (I think I posted briefly about attempting to transition her to barefoot...the jury is still out on whether this will work or not) the boots seemed to work well, they stayed on even through mud and water and seemed to protect her well from the rocky ground. After the ride was over I hosed Frosty off (we were both very sweaty) and gave her a drink before loading up and heading home. She had a liniment bath when we got home and turned back out with some extra hay for giving me such a great ride!
Frosty showing at South Branch Farm last fall